
This provider configures a loader that is just a shim for activating the library when script tags and loader calls for the Google Visualization API are already present. This could be for testing purposes, or for edge cases like usage with the Google Analytics Embeded API.

Also allows the passing of an override google object which will be used by angular-google-chart regardless of whether there is a google object on the global scope.

See also: agcLibraryLoaderProvider, agcNullLoader Service.


Name Description Default Value


If the trigger function has been fetched, the provider will wait for the function to be called before resolving the loader promise.


Set an object that effectively replaces the `google` object for all of the Angular Google Chart library. Useful for mocking and monkey patching.

Example Code

    configLoader.$inject = ['agcLibraryLoaderProvider', 'agcNullLoaderProvider'];
    function configLoader(agcLibraryLoaderProvider, agcNullLoaderProvider){

        // Select the loader strategy.

        // Get the trigger function.
        var callback = agcLibraryLoaderProvider.getTriggerFunction();

        // Does effectively the same as the gstatic loader,
        // but without adding a script tag for you.
        google.charts.load('45', {packages: ['corechart']});